Frequently Asked Questions
On which chain does Cmoney Cheque operate?
Cmoney Cheque operates on the Avalanche chain.
Does using Cheque incur a fee?
Yes, there will be some AVAX gas fees involved, so make sure your wallet has AVAX.
You'll incur fees at the following stages:
Creating the contract.
Depositing money into your Balance as well as withdrawing money from it.
Every time you add a recipient's address to the "User Allowed to Withdraw Cheques" also known as the "Whitelist".
How many addresses can I add to the Whitelist?
You have the flexibility to add as many addresses as needed to the whitelist. Nevertheless, only the initial address that initiates a withdrawal from the check will receive funds.
Once a withdrawal has been made, the check withdrawal function becomes unavailable.
Which tokens can I use to add money to my balance?
You can only use USDC to increase your balance in the Cmoney Cheque contract and assign value to the issued cheque.
What happens if I create a contract without depositing any USDC?
If you've created the contract without depositing any USDC into the Balance, there's no issue at all. In fact, you can still add recipient addresses to the whitelist or even register a Cheque without any problem.
However, without a balance to back up your cheque, the cheque will not be able to be withdrawn.
Do I need to create a contract every time I use the Cmoney Cheque?
For the same wallet - No.
Once you stake 1000 CPP Tokens or more and create a contract for the Cmoney Cheque successfully, you won't need to create another contract.
However, if you switch to a different wallet, you'll have to begin by staking tokens again and creating a new contract.
Is it possible for the recipient to withdraw an amount different than what's stated on the Cheque?
No, the recipient is unable to withdraw an amount exceeding or falling short of the value specified on the Cheque.
If the withdrawal information doesn't match our system's data about the Cheque's value, an Error notification will appear.
Our system thoroughly checks and confirms the Cheque's value, ensuring accuracy. Withdrawal processing will not proceed until all the information is accurately filled in.
How many Cheques can a whitelisted account withdraw?
As long as these addresses remain on the whitelist, they can withdraw funds from any Cheque you've registered in the system.
Rest assured, they can only access funds if they possess the physical Cheque!
Is it possible to delete a user from my Whitelist?
No, it's not possible to remove users from your Whitelist. It's recommended that you grant withdrawal permissions only to addresses that you trust.
However, bear in mind that only the user with access to the physical Cheque can withdraw funds from the Cheque.
What happens if multiple whitelisted users attempt to withdraw the same Cheque?
If several whitelisted users try to withdraw the same Cheque, only the first address that successfully completes the withdrawal transaction will receive the funds.
Once the Cheque has been successfully withdrawn, the withdrawal function for that specific Cheque will be disabled.
This means that only one user can successfully claim the funds, ensuring a fair and efficient process.
Can I make changes when register a Cheque?
Certainly, you can.
Although our system automatically scans the Cheque to extract information and auto-fills the necessary fields, encountering difficulties in scanning handwritten text on Cmoney Cheque, a physical item, is sometimes unavoidable.
Therefore, we advise users to carefully review the information filled out on the Cheque during registration. If any errors are found, you can directly make corrections.
Can I reuse the Cheque after deleting it?
Yes, you can.
The important thing to remember is that only Cheques that haven't been withdrawn can be deleted.
Once you delete a Cheque from the CPP staking system, its information within the system disappears. However, the physical Cheque along with its unique ID remains intact.
Therefore, you can entirely re-register that Cheque.
Last updated